Base and Invoices
Latvian Base Localization is a business software solution developed by Elva Baltic for companies that carry out business transactions in Republic of Latvia. Latvian Base Localization is fully integrated with Dynamics 365 Business Central by extending its functionality and tailoring it to meet the requirements of local legislation and local business requirements. The Application enables the user to:
- Define and company registration number for company, customer, vendor
- Maintain a list of transporters with vehicle registration number
- Use transporters in sales, purchase and transfer documents
- Create payment orders for commercial banks of Latvia
- Import and apply currency exchange rates from European Central Bank
- Import bank statements from commercial banks of Latvia into the system
Prepare printouts fully compliant with local legislation requirements
- Customer and vendor balance reconciliation documents
- Sales, Purchase and Transfer related documents
- Fixed Asset related documents
- Advance holder related documents
- Statistical reports 1-IB on Incoming External Payments
- Inventory related documents